A Breakthrough, Literally. And Figuratively.

On the day of the biggest storms our country has seen in some time – yesterday – Jan 23, 2016 – I got to fly across the country. I was scheduled to fly on a three-legged trip that would take a total of 9 hours…and because of closures, etc, my flight was rerouted and it was all a mess.

My own southern east coast city had gotten some of the storm impact…cloudy. Dank. Cold. Even a few flurries. As the plane taxied out on the tarmac, I was struck by how dismal it all looked. The low hanging clouds appeared ready to dump, and it felt like there was a thick, heavy blanket covering the whole world that created a dim cast every direction. The plane taxied, took off, and defying the grayness of it all, an odd orange glow seemed to ring the edges of the world, surprising my senses.

overcast skies

As we ascended, the dull gray continued. Then we were surrounded by the nothingness, covered in the clouds and looking out any window in any direction was met with a wall of swirling gray. Simultaneously, the plane began to shudder and shake and for a short moment it was even scary. Then.

We broke through.

The plane soared through the top of the cloud canopy and there was a crystal clear, blue sky with a bright, shining sun. As we continued to climb, the clouds looked puffy, white, soft, compelling. I was moved to tears, because it all looked like my life.

over the clouds

The clouds, the beautiful clouds on one side were like my life that appeared lovely and appealing. Yet on the other side of the clouds, the side that really was my life, it was daunting and oppressive and dim. The only way to see that, though, to really understand the full nature of the clouds, was to go through the turbulence…to go right damn through…so I could see both sides. We are living in a place now, able to see the clouds that appeared beautiful but were really full of treachery, as a real thing. Yet there is a sun, and it does shine. Apart from the clouds on the illusory or devastating side.

Not sure if I’m making sense, but I really was astounded and felt like I was experiencing a living visual of the journey of my life. Of many of our lives. Onward, brave travelers.

19 thoughts on “A Breakthrough, Literally. And Figuratively.

        1. Exactly. Every single person I was going to nominate has already been nominated or have stated that they will refuse….so right now, my list consists of one name. From what I read, it doesn’t matter how many times you get nominated, it only counts as “1.”


        2. Actually, can you imagine being nominated three of four times and having to do all the stuff? One of the people I was going to nominate said she didn’t want to do the whole “chain letter” thing….but she did thank me profusely. Sigh.

          Liked by 1 person

        3. I don’t know when I will get to it, but I will do it soon. And it is the love that I get from it which counts. I don’t really need kudos for my blog, I do need your support because you have been in my path. So the pat on the back is more about that for me

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        4. I couldn’t have said it better…the love is what counts…and I am more grateful for your support than you will ever know…the encouragement, the hugs, the always welcome advice and the the feeling that I matter. It has been a long time since I felt like I mattered and I thank you for that.

          Liked by 2 people

  1. Making lots of sense – I’d imagine visualisation in this way would be pretty satisfying to see on the one hand, with elements of sadness also. Agree with Laurel – One lovely blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. If not for those cloudy days we wouldn’t appreciate that beautiful sunshine……your post made perfect sense. Hope the shudder and shake in your life will soon be a distant memory.

    Liked by 1 person

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